OSH Qualifications UK Level 2
International Award in Fire Safety for Fire Marshals

  • Level 2
  • Fire Safety

Who is this qualification for?

The OSH Qualifications UK Level 2 International Award in Fire Safety for Fire Marshals is designed for individuals who have specific responsibilities related to fire safety, particularly those designated as Fire Marshals or Fire Wardens. This qualification is suitable for a range of roles and industries where fire safety knowledge and practical skills are essential. The target audience typically includes:

  • Fire Marshals/Fire Wardens

    Individuals appointed to the role of Fire Marshal or Fire Warden within an organization. This includes those responsible for overseeing fire safety and emergency evacuation procedures.
  • Safety and Health Officers

    Professionals with responsibilities for Safety and Health within an organization, particularly those involved in implementing and maintaining fire safety measures.
  • Facility Managers

    Individuals responsible for the overall management of facilities, including ensuring compliance with fire safety regulations and emergency response planning.
  • Safety Committee Members

    Members of safety committees or safety representatives within the workplace who play a role in promoting and maintaining fire safety.
  • Supervisors and Managers

    Those in supervisory or managerial roles who need to have a comprehensive understanding of fire safety to ensure the safety of their teams and compliance with regulations.
  • Small Business Owners

    Owners or managers of small businesses where individuals may take on multiple roles, including fire safety responsibilities.
  • Anyone with Fire Safety Responsibilities

    Individuals who, as part of their job role, have been assigned specific fire safety duties or are involved in emergency response planning.

This qualification is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to fulfill their duties as Fire Marshals or Fire Wardens effectively. It covers essential topics such as fire prevention, understanding fire risk assessments, emergency evacuation procedures, and the role of a Fire Marshal in the event of a fire. It is important for individuals in these roles to be adequately trained to ensure the safety of occupants and to comply with legal requirements related to fire safety.

How long will it take?

Expect to dedicate approximately 8 hours of study to achieve this qualification.

Topics Covered

This qualification is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to fulfill their duties as Fire Marshals or Fire Wardens effectively. It covers essential topics such as fire prevention, understanding fire risk assessments, emergency evacuation procedures, and the role of a Fire Marshal in the event of a fire. It is important for individuals in these roles to be adequately trained to ensure the safety of occupants and to comply with legal requirements related to fire safety.

Assessment Method

The assessment for this qualification is conducted through a multiple-choice examination.

Guidance for International Delivery

OSH Qualifications Board UK recommends reaching out to the relevant Government Department in the target country where you plan to provide this qualification. This ensures alignment with local regulations and rules. In certain cases, registration as a training provider within the host country might be necessary. It is important to note that while OSH Qualifications Board UK upholds its own rigorous standards for approving centers, it does not represent or speak for other organizations or governmental departments.