OSH Qualifications UK Level 3
International Award In Emergency First Aid at Work and Use of AED with CPR for All Ages

  • Level 3
  • First Aid

Who is this qualification for?

This certification is designed to furnish candidates with the essential knowledge, comprehension, and abilities required to assist in first aid situations and operate a defibrillator in a professional setting. The First Aid at Work qualification is well-suited for individuals who will assume a primary first aid responsibility in case of an emergency. The curriculum covers emergency procedures for adult, child, and infant CPR, as well as addressing choking incidents. The Level 3 International Award in Emergency First Aid at Work and Use of AED with CPR for All Ages is designed for a broad audience, including individuals who may need basic first aid skills for various reasons. The target audience typically includes:

  • General Public

    Anyone interested in acquiring fundamental first aid skills for personal use and the well-being of family and friends.
  • Workplace Employees

    Employees in a variety of industries where basic first aid knowledge is beneficial, such as offices, retail, hospitality, and other non-high-risk environments.
  • Community and Volunteer Groups

    Members of community organizations, volunteer groups, and clubs seeking to enhance their ability to respond to emergencies.
  • Teachers and Educational Staff

    School teachers, administrators, and other educational staff members who want to be prepared to handle emergency situations involving students.
  • Sports Coaches and Fitness Professionals

    Coaches, trainers, and fitness professionals working with individuals of all ages who may encounter injuries or health emergencies during sports and physical activities.
  • Parents and Caregivers

    Parents, guardians, and caregivers interested in learning basic first aid skills to ensure the safety of children and family members.
  • Non-Healthcare Professionals

    Individuals who are not healthcare professionals but may find themselves in situations where immediate first aid response is crucial, such as in public places or during travel.
  • Emergency Response Teams

    Members of emergency response teams or individuals designated to provide immediate assistance in the event of an emergency.

How long will it take?

Expect to dedicate approximately 16 hours of study to achieve this qualification.

Topics Covered

Topics covered include the duties and obligations of a first aider encompass evaluating incidents, handling individuals who are unresponsive and not breathing, managing casualties experiencing shock, providing initial assistance to individuals with suspected injuries to the head, spine, and chest, addressing burns, scalds, and eye injuries, as well as attending to those affected by sudden poisoning and anaphylaxis. Additionally, a first aider should be proficient in the safe utilization of an automated external defibrillator.

Assessment Method

The assessment for this qualification is conducted through a multiple-choice examination and practical demonstration.

Guidance for International Delivery

OSH Qualifications Board UK recommends reaching out to the relevant Government Department in the target country where you plan to provide this qualification. This ensures alignment with local regulations and rules. In certain cases, registration as a training provider within the host country might be necessary. It is important to note that while OSH Qualifications Board UK upholds its own rigorous standards for approving centers, it does not represent or speak for other organizations or governmental departments.