OSH Qualifications UK
LOLER & PUWER Awareness Course

  • Full time
  • Manchester, UK
  • Rigging

1. Who is this qualification for?

Welcome to the OSH Qualifications Board UK LOLER and PUWER Awareness Course, a comprehensive training programme designed to provide participants with a thorough understanding of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER). LOLER and PUWER are key pieces of health and safety legislation in the United Kingdom, governing the safe use of lifting equipment and work equipment across various industries. This course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure compliance with LOLER and PUWER requirements, thereby promoting workplace safety and preventing accidents related to lifting operations and work equipment usage. Throughout this course, participants will learn about their legal responsibilities, the key principles of LOLER and PUWER and practical guidance for implementing these regulations in their workplace. Whether you're a safety professional, equipment operator, or supervisor, this course will provide you with essential awareness and understanding of LOLER and PUWER to enhance workplace safety and compliance.
The OSH Qualifications Board UK LOLER and PUWER Awareness Course is designed for a wide range of professionals across various industries who are involved in the use, maintenance and management of lifting equipment and work equipment. This qualification is particularly suitable for:

  • 1. Safety Professionals
    Health and safety practitioners responsible for ensuring compliance with LOLER and PUWER regulations in the workplace.
  • 2. Equipment Operators
    Individuals who operate lifting equipment and work equipment as part of their job responsibilities and need to understand their legal obligations and safety requirements.
  • 3. Supervisors and Managers
    Managers and supervisors with oversight of lifting operations and work equipment usage, who require knowledge of LOLER and PUWER to implement safe working practices.
  • 4. Maintenance Technicians
    Personnel responsible for the maintenance, repair and servicing of lifting equipment and work equipment, who need to ensure compliance with LOLER and PUWER requirements.
  • 5. Engineering Professionals
    Engineers involved in the design, installation and modification of lifting equipment and work equipment, who require an understanding of LOLER and PUWER to ensure equipment safety and compliance.
  • 6. Regulatory Compliance Officers
    Professionals tasked with ensuring compliance with LOLER and PUWER regulations, including regulatory inspectors and compliance officers.
  • 7. New Entrants to the Field
    Individuals new to the field of health and safety or equipment operation, who require foundational knowledge of LOLER and PUWER to perform their roles safely and effectively.

This course is suitable for individuals across various sectors, including construction, manufacturing, warehousing, logistics and engineering, where lifting equipment and work equipment are commonly used. Whether you're looking to enhance your skills, fulfill regulatory requirements, or contribute to workplace safety initiatives, this course provides essential awareness and understanding of LOLER and PUWER regulations.

2. How long will it take?

Expect to dedicate approximately 8 hours of study to achieve this qualification.

3.Topics Covered

The OSH Qualifications Board UK LOLER and PUWER Awareness Course covers a range of important topics to ensure participants gain a comprehensive understanding of the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER). Here are the key topics that may be covered in this qualification:

  • 1. Introduction to LOLER and PUWER:
    Overview of the LOLER and PUWER regulations, their scope and their importance in ensuring workplace safety.
  • 2. Legal Requirements and Responsibilities:
    Understanding the legal obligations of duty holders, including employers, employees, self-employed individuals and equipment manufacturers, under LOLER and PUWER.
  • 3. Key Definitions and Concepts:
    Explanation of important terms and concepts used in LOLER and PUWER, such as lifting equipment, work equipment, competent persons and thorough examinations.
  • 4. LOLER Requirements
    Detailed examination of LOLER requirements related to the planning, supervision and execution of lifting operations, including the need for competent personnel, safe systems of work and adequate training.
  • 5. PUWER Requirements
    Overview of PUWER requirements related to the selection, maintenance and use of work equipment, including risk assessments, equipment inspections and safety measures.
  • 6. Risk Assessment and Risk Control
    Principles of risk assessment and risk control as applied to lifting operations and work equipment, including identification of hazards, assessment of risks and implementation of control measures.
  • 7. Safe Use of Lifting Equipment
    Guidance on the safe use of lifting equipment, including pre-use checks, safe lifting practices, load handling techniques and the use of lifting accessories.
  • 8. Inspection and Maintenance
    Requirements for the inspection, maintenance and thorough examination of lifting equipment and work equipment, including frequency of inspections, documentation and record-keeping.
  • 9. Emergency Procedures and Incident Reporting
    Procedures for responding to emergencies involving lifting equipment and work equipment, including evacuation procedures, rescue plans and reporting of accidents and near misses.
  • 10. Practical Examples and Case Studies
    Application of LOLER and PUWER principles through practical examples and case studies, allowing participants to understand how regulations are applied in real-world scenarios.
  • 11. Questions and Answers
    Opportunity for participants to ask questions and seek clarification on any aspects of LOLER and PUWER covered in the course.

By covering these topics, the course aims to provide participants with the knowledge and understanding required to comply with LOLER and PUWER regulations, thereby promoting workplace safety and preventing accidents and injuries related to lifting operations and work equipment usage.

5.Guidance for International Delivery

OSH Qualifications Board UK recommends reaching out to the relevant Government Department in the target country where you plan to provide this qualification. This ensures alignment with local regulations and rules. In certain cases, registration as a training provider within the host country might be necessary. It is important to note that while OSH Qualifications Board UK upholds its own rigorous standards for approving centers, it does not represent or speak for other organizations or governmental departments.